Sign up for BSP’s Vision, Mission, Values Workshop today

A clear and unifying vision, mission, and values set is at the heart of every organization. Together, these three elements are the guides by which you engage others to partner or support your work, make decisions, build a healthy culture, and promote growth within your team. 

Blue Sky Partners’ 4-hour Vision, Mission, Values workshop emphasizes the importance of identifying your intrinsic motivations for the work you do and develops thoughtful and actionable statements through a collaborative series of exercises. As we brainstorm and build these statements, we cross-examine their authenticity with the true nature of the organization.

By the end of the workshop, you will walk away with a clear and concise vision and mission statement, and values that exemplify why you do the work you do and communicates that clearly to the external world. 

"With our new mission, vision, values, we have a framework to use as we make decisions."

Arin Gray, CD&P



  • Identify organizational vision, mission, and values
  • Understand how to use VMV to make business decisions
  • Develop a process to engage other stakeholders

What to Expect

  • Pre-session surveys
  • 4-hour in-person work session with dedicated BSP executive
  • Post-session report and document delivery


Work Session
