Sign up for BSP’s Comprehensive Calendar Workshop today

Our ability to achieve the goals we set for ourselves boils down to having clarity about what we want to achieve and then curating and aligning our commitments to ensure that our time is spent moving us closer to those things that are truly important to us and our organizations.

Blue Sky Partners’ 4-hour Comprehensive Calendar workshop acknowledges those realities, and uses a set of immersive exercises to help you find clarity around your values and long-term goals, then align them with your commitments, personal needs, and factors in your ideal workflow.

Using design-thinking techniques, focused around the “Big Rocks, Little Rocks” philosophy, our end-goal is to help you create a calendar system that works for you, not against you—one that provides a solid, reasonable, structural base to ensure you get the important and necessary things done, while still providing the flexibility you need to respond to your day-to-day responsibilities.

"After working with BSP, we were able to cut through the clutter and identify where we should be spending our time as individuals and as an organization.”

Zach Fraganape, Co-founder, Servable



  • Understand values, goals, and natural work rhythm
  • Create a calendar that reflects current commitments
  • Convert ideas into actionable projects with reasonableness timelines
  • Identify strategies to implement the new calendar successfully

What to Expect

  • Pre-session homework, including values identification, goals, productivity audit, and habits list.
  • 4-hour in-person work-session with dedicated BSP executive
  • Post-session report and document delivery


Work Session + Calendar Creation
